Q. Has anybody ever heard of the brand " DVC " when it comes to camcorders and digital camers? Good brand?
A. it seems like a good company.
here is there history directly from there website
Our Company
Experts in digital imaging technology
Since 1995, DVC has specialized in designing and manufacturing high-performance digital imaging solutions for scientific and industrial applications. Our customers know us for the exceptional quality of our products and the responsiveness of our people. We offer a broad line of modular cameras which leverage our core low-noise, high-speed electronic architectures and our cooling, intensification, opto-mechanical, and software technologies.
For custom applications, DVC's sales and technical teams interface with customers at all levels to thoroughly understand their imaging requirements as they rapidly develop products that meet or exceed those requirements. The DVC brand represents a tradition of performance and success, and we continue that tradition by focusing on our customers and on our commitment to quality, integrity, and innovation
Our Management
Ash Prabala, Founder and President
Ash Prabala is the founder of DVC Company and currently serves as President & CEO. He has over 20 years of experience in engineering, marketing, sales, and general management within the high-performance scientific digital imaging industry. Prior to founding DVC, Ash was engaged in the development of digital camera chipsets at Crystal Semiconductor Corp, a subsidiary of Cirrus Logic. Prior to that, Ash has held engineering and management positions at prestigious companies such as Scientific-Atlanta, Cohu Inc. (Electronics Division), and Xerox. His career is marked by an impressive track record of high-performance electronics design. His experience spans a wide range of applications from state-of-the-art laser printing, CATV digital set-top boxes, and digital and scientific-grade cameras.. Ash is widely known in the industry for his vision and commitment to excellence in the imaging community. Ash holds an MSEE from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
Paul L. Thomas, Director of Sales and Marketing
Paul L. Thomas currently serves as Director of Sales and Marketing.
Previously Paul served as Manager of Imaging Products at Symco, Inc., a major high-end imaging distribution company located in Sterling, New Jersey. Prior to Symco and since 1965, Paul served with Dage-MTI Inc, an early Pioneer in the Video Camera industry now located in Michigan City, Indiana. In his capacity as Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, Paul provided technical and application guidance and support to his sales team, negotiated new product production and design with OEMs, set up the initial dealer network of over 125 dealers, and managed worldwide distribution of imaging products and solutions. Overall, Paul has over 40 years of sales and marketing experience in the imaging industry and has established a reputation within the imaging community for his broad and comprehensive imaging experience. Prior to his business career, Paul was on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps and attended the University of Maryland.
Paul is a well-respected expert in the imaging field and has a wealth of high-level application experience in diverse areas such as life sciences, microscopy, Inspection and low light level imaging. In addition to his marketing role in identifying new product markets, he provides valuable input during the conceptual design stage of new products.
Douglas M. Benson, Director of Software Engineering
As Director of Software Engineering, Douglas is responsible for overall software development. In this capacity, he constantly evaluates markets and technologies with the intent of bringing innovative software features and solutions to the high-end imaging market. Douglas is a high-tech industry veteran with over 20 years of high-end imaging experience. Prior to DVC, Douglas founded Inovision Corporation in 1985. Inovision is a highly regarded industry leader in the development of image analysis software. Inovision's clients included many of the top U.S. research universities, Astra Zeneca, Boeing, Disney, GlaxoSmithKline, Monsanto, and NASA. Inovision provided the high-end microscopy imaging industry with many "firsts" including developing unique imaging software solutions utilized very effectively in the fields of industrial automation and robotics and drug discovery. Other unique applications of Inovision's technology have been high precision tracking of the NASA International Space Station and applications in imaging at the nanotechnology research center at Stanford University. Prior to founding Inovision Corporation, Douglas was a National Cancer Institute Fellow at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Douglas holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from North Carolina State University.
Douglas brings a unique mix of skills to DVC. A scientist by training, he has an in-depth knowledge of leading edge applications. With his expertise in software development, he is able to deliver solutions that are unmatched in their performance and capabilities. His skills and his stature in the scientific community are a combination that significantly extends DVC's reach in the industry.
Martin Parker, Director of Engineering
Martin Parker serves as Director of Engineering and is responsible for camera design and the research and development laboratory at DVC.
Martin has 20 years of advanced imaging experience, ranging from imaging system design to image authentication, data compression, graphical user interface and digital sensor technologies. Prior to DVC, Martin was manager of Software and Services Advanced Development at Kodak, responsible for new features used in Kodak digital cameras, EasyShare software, and internet services. In that role, he also invented an intuitive user interface for image management and led the development of a JPEG2000 camera/host prototype system. He has seven patents in the field of imaging. Martin holds an MSEE from the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
Martin's multi-disciplinary knowledge of electronics, optics, packaging, and imaging applications makes him ideally suited for his key role at DVC. Martin has built a robust, modular, and flexible platform for DVC cameras. His engineering leadership is crucial in DVC's impressively short design cycles and has resulted in aggressive product launch schedules without compromising quality and performance.
What company offers best deals on camcorders?
Q. I wanna know what retailer offers the best deals on camcorders like amazon ebay bestbuy or what?
A. HI Daniel:
You've asked about cheap camcorders a half-dozen times over the past week.
You've posted over 50 Y!A Questions, and Answered another hundred or more. So you obviously know how to use the Internet. Do a simple Yahoo!Search or Google with a camcorder model and the keyword "prices" and decide where you want to shop, whether it be online or at a "brick & mortar" store like Best Buy, Target, or WalMart.
Just decide on a brand & model and buy the darned thing!
Six months ago, you seemed to agonize over gaming video cards & processors for your PC (that was almost 3-dozen posts).
From my personal experience, Fry's Electronics and NewEgg have great sale prices, "open box" discounts (as well as "refurbished" bargains), and wide range of brands & models.
I also scour the "closeout" retail endcaps (that's the shelves on the back aisle ends) for one-of-a-kind bargains at Target and WalMart, who both do heavy discounting to clear out discontinued leftover models or some customer returns/torn boxes.
For the little money you want to spend ($100-$200, or less) you aren't going to find much quality or quantity. My advice would be to go to a pawn shop (or your local Craig's List) and check out used gear (just be sure to turn things on & test them to make sure they work). Almost everything in your price range will have a rechargeable battery, but show up with 4 fresh "AA" Alkaline penlight batteries in your pocket for the ones that need them. Don't buy anything that runs off "AAA" batteries - they're junk and the battery life sucks.
And if something is rechargeable battery pack-only & not charged, have the store owner charge it up overnight and come back the next day to test it out.
You missed-out on last month's Kodak Zx5 half-price sales at Best Buy and Office Depot ($79 instead of $179), but here's some other places still discounting it: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&rlz=1C1CHNY_enUS420US420&q=Kodak+Zx5+sale&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=705&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11180404340041643938&sa=X&ei=d2DjT4DMI4ei2QW28PHHCw&ved=0CFkQ8wIwAQ The Zx5 is listed as the Top Selling pocket video camera by Google's database.
B+H Photo is the most reputable dealer on that list, and offers free shipping, so you'll spend under $90 and have a decent cheap camera to start out with.
hope this helps,
--Dennis C.
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