Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

does anyone like Panasonic camcorder??

Q. i just bought a new panasonic camera and its not recongized by my computer and i was looking through yahoo! answers and i discovered that alot of users are having trouble with the brand Panasonic. i was just wondering if anyone likes them plz comment. easy way to get points all you have to do is tell me what you think!! and could you maybe tell me a good camecorder to startout with under $300 -- thats not panasonic
thnks much!!^^

A. Users are having trouble with Panasonic as much as they're having trouble with other brands. I'm able to solve most of these problems; most often, they deal with not having the right cable or hookup. Your problem is one of these. If you get the right cable and hookup, you're going to love this thing. Trust me.

I LOVE the Panasonic camcorders I work with. I use the PV-GS65 at home, it renders colors beautifully, and there are no problems using it with our computers. My old school bought a whole bunch of Panasonic camcorders with no problems. My old school's TV organization bought a Panasonic AG-HVX200 at my recommendation. GREAT machine!!!

Step by step, how are you plugging it into your computer? What kind of computer? What cables? What software? I should definitely be able to help you out! Just add a detail onto your question, and I'll add some more to my answer.

EDIT: I saw your other question, and answered it fully. You DON'T NEED TO RETURN YOUR CAMCORDER! No matter what DV camcorder you buy, you're probably going to need to get your computer to work with Firewire (if it doesn't already!). This is not only for Panasonic camcorders. It can be Canon, JVC, Sony, you name it. If you're working with DV, Firewire is the best way to go (it's often the only way to go!). So, read my answer to your other question, and it should solve your issue. If it doesn't, let me know.

Does Panasonic Make Good AVCHD Professional Camcorders?
Q. My Budget At This Moment Is Up To 1,900$ For A Camcorder. I Have Decided To Purchase The Panasonic AG-HMC40. Reasons Why Is Because It Uses A Memory Card(For Less Hassle), Its A Little under My Budget, And Off course Its HD. But In Reality, Do They(Panasonic) Make Decent Enough Camcorders? I Specialize In Music Videos

A. panasonic makes excellent gear for the television broadcast industry, none of which uses AVCHD. AVCHD is a Sony invention for finding a way to stuff HD into a 6 mbps datastream that could be fed to a cheap SD memory card. Super compression. Not super as in super good either. The popularity of AVCHD with consumers has led Panasonic, JVC and Canon to offer that in its upscale consumer gear instead of the professionally accepted MPEG2 encoding. While a memory card may seem less hassle, remember that slow data rate will byte you at editing time. cards are too slow to edit from directly, so they have to be uploaded to the computer HDD. and what went in can't come out any faster, so you may be waiting hours for the upload to complete. The super compression makes editing hard and music videos impossible. with AVCHD there are only 4 edit points per second, you will lose lip sync after the first edit or two. if you are serious about music videos, then go for a 3CCD Panasonic with P2 card technology, and a computer video editor with the horsepower to handle it. if you are cash short then at least go with HDV tape.

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Best camera for video recording under $1,000?

Q. I make short films and also want to have some fun directing music videos with a professional look.

What is the best overall camera for this that I can buy for $1,000 or less?

As of right now, I'm looking at the Canon Rebel t4i, but is there something better than that I should be looking for?

Also my price of $1,000 is not completely unmovable, if there is a camera a little bit pricier, I might be willing to budge. Any suggestions?

A. HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras interpolate the video, which means of every 25 frames of video, 4 or 5 frames are taken by the lens assembly; the other frames in between these are filled in by the camcorder inner circuitry, thus giving you not true video. It looks like this -one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, from front to back of the video. Near impossible to edit, even when you have the Multi port processor computer with the big 1GB Graphics card and a Sound card that is required to edit, view, watch and work with the files these camcorders produce.

DSLR Cameras, all Makes, all Models, all have the same problem when video taping some long videos, all overheat at the 13 to 18 minute mark, depending on the Make and Model. This is unavoidable, it all has to with the fact, video is an afterthought in DSLR camera production.

Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras have 4 problems. 1) Blurry, fuzzy, out of focus areas closely around people in videos taken by consumer level HD camcorders. 2) Any movement, even a wave or lifting an arm, while in front of a recording Consumer Level HD Camcorder and DSLR Cameras, results in screen ghosts and artifacts being left on the video track, following the movement. Makes for bad video, sports videos are unwatchable. 3) These Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras all have a habit of the transferred to computer files are something you need to convert, thus losing your HD quality, to work with your editing software. 4) Mandatory maximum record times - 1 hour, 30 minutes, 8 minutes, 3 minutes � four different times advertised as maximum record time for some Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras. No event I have ever been to is that short. Either take multiple camcorders and DSLR Cameras or pack up with out getting the end of the event on video.

MiniDV is currently the most popular format for consumer digital camcorders. MiniDV camcorders are typically more affordable than their HDD and DVD counterparts. Each MiniDV tape will typically hold an hour of footage at normal recording speed and quality. MiniDV tapes are available for purchase at not only electronic and camera stores, but also at drugs stores and grocery stores, making them easy to find while your on vacation. There are literally hundreds of MiniDV camcorders available; both in standard and high-definition. And add the fact that to get a HD camcorder that could produce better video quality footage, one would have to spend in excess of $3500 for that camcorder that could produce higher quality video

Is there a JVC Camcorder that records HD and 24p and is under 1,000 bucks?

A. Check out JVC's website (Link below). I believe almost every one listed there is under $1,000 (check web sellers, like, etc.)

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Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

what are good quality camcorders or cameras for making youtube videos?

Q. i make youtube videos but my camera quality isn't so good does anyone know of a hd camera or camcorder under 200 dollars that will still look good on youtube ?

A. Sony HDR-CX190 High Definition Handycam 5.3 MP Camcorder with 25x Optical Zoom (2012 Model) has been a great HD camcorder so far. It is very small and lightweight, to say the least. I think the 70 series battery I bought for this unit weighs almost as much as the camera. The controls are good with the little screen joystick and menus. The color is very good on the screen, and the video is sharp. I like the 30x for videoing my stepsons' wrestling matches.

What is a high quality, but affordable camcorder?
Q. I'm looking for a really good camcorder, but I only have a 150 dollar budget. Is there a good camcorder within that price? I know that isn't a lot when it comes to camcorders, but I just want the video to have pretty good quality, and some good sound to it too.

A. Sony HDR-CX190 High Definition Handycam 5.3 MP Camcorder with 25x Optical Zoom (2012 Model) has been a great HD camcorder so far. It is very small and lightweight, to say the least. I think the 70 series battery I bought for this unit weighs almost as much as the camera. The controls are good with the little screen joystick and menus. The color is very good on the screen, and the video is sharp. I like the 30x for videoing my stepsons' wrestling matches.

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green screen camcorder?

Q. i need to know what video format will look best after being edited on a green screen

A. Great answer by Chilli Yum Yum! But if I may, I have a few things to add:
Remeber that there are many aspects to "green screening". The type of camera you use is the least of your problems. Other things to consider are:
1) Lighting: In order to get the cleanest key possible, make sure the green screen is evenly lit. Minimize shadows at all costs.
2)Remember that there is no magic effect that will make all the green go away. Even professional chroma keying applications, like that in Adobe After Effects involve several different color keys to remove each shade of the green. Taking the example of After Effects, the best key involves several "color key" efffects, followed by a "simple choker" and then the "keylight".

Now to answer your question :P
Chilli Yum Yum is correct on all points. I don't know how much I can add, but:
Theoretically, the cameras that do the best keying are the ones that do the least Color Subsampling, meaning ones that do not discard much Chromanince or Lumanince. No consumer camera does this, so at best, you have 4:1:1. Panasonic DVCPro models are a step up from that, at 4:2:2. Still DVCPro cameras aren't exactly cheap. The HVX200 and HPX170 may be your best bets, even so they're $5,000. But all of that has already been mentioned.

So, moving on, the BEST camera for chroma keying would be one that has no color subsampling on ANY channel, for instance one with a native RGB output. In most cases, this would only be found on an extremely expensive camera, but luckily we have Red Digital Cinema...yay! Now, Red is developing a professional camera for the prosumer market called Red Scarlet. Although we don't know all the specs yet (we will November 13 actually), Scarlet will have NO color subsampling. Full RGB color! Most likely, Scarlet will also be considerably cheaper than the HVX or HPX (around $3,000 supposedly), and that's not all it can do, and as much as I would like to get into that, I don't want to get too far off topic...

Can you recommend any green screens or camcorders?
Q. range 200-300 dollars.

A. back in the day of analog, it was impossible to do green screen effects from video tape. the foreground object had to be a live camera and nothing else. the backgound is unimportant, so that could be analog tape. Then came miniDV and that changed everything. miniDV offered chroma resolution that was 6 times sharper than VHS. so for the first time the forground subject could be recorded on tape and a computer video editor used to make the overlay. Now that we have modern file base cameras that use SD cards or DVD discs. These are super compressed, with 200:1 being typical. So now the foreground subect blurs or pixelates into macro blocks any time there is motion, spoiling the green screen overlay even from so-called HD cameras. So Pallidin is absolute correct to suggest that you need miniDV camcorder.

as to the greenscreen, that can be anything. personally i prefer cyan blue as that gives a sharper chroma contrast to skin tone. TV studios usually just paint it on a wall (wow you thought this was high tech?). me, i used king size flat bedsheets, not having a suitable wall to work with. The secret is in the lighting. the screen needs its own light and it must be even top to bottom and side to side. the subject has to be lit from the top angle to prevent shadows on the screen. unless seated, it is hard to do in a normal room that has only 8 foot ceiling clearance. if you have a garage with open ceiling, use that for the studio. Also you need to put a light behind the subject, some times call a hair light. This sharpens the hair line at the top/sides of the head, after all you don't want your leading lady's platinum blonde to turn green due to a poor key.

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Good camera/camcorder under $100 on amazon?

Q. For my YouTube prank series. So I would need a tripod too so try to stay under $80 for the camera. Some of the ones I was looking at are the bloggy and playfull. Only amazon because I have gift cards. Links welcome

A. Hi Jake:

There really aren't any "good" camcorders for under $100, unless you find one of the discontinued Kodak PlaySport or PlayFull models that you've been looking at. (Kodak stopped making cameras and camcorders last year, but dealers still have some in stock. My favorites are the Zx3 & Zx5 which are available for between $69-$99 from closeout stores & online dealers with leftover stock.)

I haven't read as many good reviews of the Sony Bloggies as I have for the Kodak camcorders, and since the Kodaks are typically selling for half of their original list price, you get more-bang-for-your-bucks.

I don't like posting links for Amazon sellers (they spam Yahoo!Answers too much), so I'll let you do your own link searches. You should be competent enough to do your own shopping.

If you want to "stretch your gift card dollars", consider buying a used camcorder from a trusted Amazon seller.

Video is a "get what you pay for" proposition, so don't set your quality expectations too high for the little money you wish to spend.

hope this helps,
--Dennis C.

Best Youtube Camcorder?
Q. i wanna know what would be a good camcorder for youtube videos. Currently im using a droid x2 if you wanna go check out the quality of my current videos just google techthisbuffalo. Im very budget restrained and would like to get it under 100 dollars. I just want something better than what i am using right now but i also want the best bang for buck so something that has the most features for the price. HELP PLEASE AND THANK YOU ALL

A. under 100$ is pretty rough, but either way he will need an HD camcorder in order to get people to watch.

My suggestions:

1-Kodak Play Sport 60$-80$ from ebay
2- Jvc wp10 90$ refurbished from ebay
3-Sanyo Xacti cg20 refurbished from ebay

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Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

What did you get for Christmas?

Q. I know it's all about family and not all about presents but I like reading about what people have gotten:)

I'm a thirteen year old girl and I got
- Two pairs of PJs
- Socks (like gloves, toe fingers in them)
- A rhythmic gymnastics ball
- Ballet shoes
- Wii Fit Plus
- Vivitar purple pocket camcorder
- An All-Seeing-Eye top
- A black shirt with a quote
- Money
- A big 'Lush' bath bomb
- Dark red converse
- Lady Gaga: Fame perfume
- Police: To be woman perfume
- Keith Lemon: the film DVD
- Ted on DVD
- Peter Kay back on nights DVD
- 2013 Guiness world records
- 2013 Ripley's believe it or not
- False eyelashes
- So Superstar lipgloss, spray and perfume
- 4 big makeup sets
- Nail varnish
- Lots of chocolate
- A huge hot chocolate mug
- Refreshers with a refresher mug
And my dad coming home from Thailand early :)

Merry Christmas, I hope you and your families had an amazing day!
I got some belly bars too,
It's because of my mum's family, dad's, stepdad's, then their close friends, then my friends haha.

Have a good new year too guys!
Aw, that is actually so kind about the Christmas party! You're actually such a nice person even though I don't know you. Merry Christmas!

I'm honestly not a spoiled brat. I spent a lot of my money which I early on friends and family. My friends got similar stuff to me and they aren't spoilt either. Merry Christmas!

A. From my parents and gran i got:
- Nexus
-Diamond ring
- gift cards
- chocolate
- pjs
My hubby got me:
- Mini Copper convertible car (so excited!!)
- Diamond earrings and necklace
- underwear

Money from the rest of my family and some other bits and bobs from my friends. :-) I'm a 22 year old girl. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Some simple questions I want simple answers too about the 3DS?
Q. 1. The 3DS supports an SD card. Can you:
Put mp3's on it and listen to them off the 3DS, and can you do this with the lid closed?
Put picture files on it and view them in the 3DS?
Put video files on it and view them in the 3DS? If so, what type of video files (Avi, wmv, etc)

If no to any of the above, will some or all of these features be a possible availability in a future update?

2. Can you view and watch youtube videos on the 3DS browser? I noticed it does not have flash supported, so I am guessing this is a big no, which is sad because you can on the opera browser on the wii.

Those are the only questions I currently have about it, as I am planning on buying one myself shortly after the holidays.

I'm getting a 3DS, and that's that. Any comments about how I should get the Vita instead will be disregarded, as I don't have the patience to save up an extra $80 (I get money very slowly).
Grammar/Spelling fail in the title. I meant "to" not "too"
I could probably get one of those R4's that are compatible with the 3DS to do video watching then after I'm sure they don't brick your console.

And if yahoo answers removes this post because I commented on an R4, R4's are not initially illegal in the U.S., and I can talk about them if I want to.

A. Yes to all of Question 1

No to Question 2 until a future Wi-Fi Update in 2012 or 2013.

And with the 3DS you can play music (even with the system close).

You can LOWER the VOLUME of 3D so it does NOT give you headaches for the first time in your life (if you're the kind of person to ever get headaches from 3D, otherwise just turn the 3D all the way up).

And you can also turn the 3D OFF Completely.

And 3D is good for working out your eye muscles & brain to keep them in shape as shown in this link:

And the Nintendo 3DS has downloadable 3D Music videos from today's American music artist which I have already downloaded the 3 free 3D Music Videos to watch anywhere and the 3DS has 3D "Blue Man Group" video and College Humor (in 3D) with the FREE "Nintendo Video" App that you can download (but its 4 3D Videos at a time and they replace them once in a while) and you can download cheap downloadable 3D Apps & 3D games costing from 99 cents to $5.99 and the Nintendo 3DS also has FREE downloadable 3D Apps & 3D Games, which I have already downloaded 3 Free 3D Apps and I have downloaded 2 Free 3D Games and the 3DS has a 3D Camera and I have already used the 3DS 3D Camera to take 3D photos and I have uploaded some of my 3D footage online using the Nintendo 3DS's Web Browser to upload my 3D footage online and I have used my 3DS Web Browser to also download other peoples 3D footage from the Internet on my 3DS Web Browser and I have view all sorts of 3D content on 3D Websites online on my 3DS's Web Browser and I have use my 3DS 3D Camera to play 3D Augmented Reality games as well and it's all in 3D without the Glasses using the 3DS 3D Camera and It has beautiful 3D HD graphics that equal to that of a 3D HD version of Wii Graphics and I have Streamed 3D Videos Online on my 3DS in the eShop and I have also Watch 3D Trailers for upcoming 3D movies coming to Theaters in 3D and I have done all of this in 3D Without the Glasses.

And the 3DS with a Wi-Fi Update can RECORD 3D Videos in 60 fps (unlike other camcorders, that only Record in 2D Only and in up to 30 fps only).

And the 3DS pixel density is MUCH sharper than an average HD TV.

And they're making Angry Birds 3D as a downloadable game.

And the 3DS is getting DLC (Downloadable Content) like Xbox Live for a bunch of 3DS games to add content to the game later on for Free.

And 1 of the Free 3D Apps I have downloaded was Netflix.

And Netflix is getting 3D Movies in the next few months.

And 100% of the people who have said that they get headaches from 3D, have said that after up to 1 week of using the 3DS they NO LONGER get headaches anymore and that they now play with the 3D all the way up 100% all the time, non-stop.

But I have never had any problem with the 3D at all, but each person has a different experience with the 3D ON during the first week.

And you can now pay to download 3D Videos on the 3DS.

And the 3DS is getting Hulu Plus before the end of this year (2011) as a Free downloadable App and Hulu already has 3D Content.

and you can check this Link below for more 3DS Games:

P.S. You will want to check these sites out for the Web Browser's 3D ability:

And the 3DS can play MP3, M4A & AAC.

And you will want to create a new folder in the SD card for every 100 songs, if you want to play more than 100 songs.

And you need the videos to be of the right format and then you put them in DCIM folder (and if there is any folders in there, than put it in the one with less than 100 .mpo in it).

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Best camcorder under $50??!??!?

Q. So I'm looking for a good camcorder because I want to do a video diary so I can watch it when I'm old. So what is the best camcorder for about $50 or less??? It doesn't have to take pictures or anything special like that......just good video quality and long battery and large memory (or is that on the memory card?) ......PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!

A. if u want a good camcorder. u have to spend more then that, unless u get one from eBay or smething, anyways the flip series are good. think about investing for that

best pocket camcorder for £50?
Q. I am looking to get a pocket camcorder for £50
my options are therefore narrowed to:
Panasonic TA1
Samsung u10
Vado 1st generation
Kodak zx1
toshiba s20

which would be best?

A. your best bet would be to put the 50 pounds back in your pocket and save up for a better camera option.

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Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Which is the Best Camera for Video Recording for Youtube 2013?


A. Define "Best".

For low light conditions, Sony HDR-FX1000 or any other camcorder with a lens diameter of 72mm or larger and Imaging chip 3CCD or 3CMOS system that is 1/3" or larger.

For infrared recording, Sony HVR-A1 in "NightShot" mode to capture monochrome video under zero visible light conditions.

For fast action and slow-motion playback, any GoPro or Contour - these may be best as "pocket cams", too.

For loud audio, any camcorder with manual audio gain control.

For very low audio, any camcorder with an external mic jack and manual audio gain control so an external mic can be used - and the low audio level can be made higher.

Since consumer camcorders can range in price from $80 to about $3,000, and there is such a wide range of video and audio quality issues, please set a budget and tell us what your plans are to capture things to YouTube... then we might be able to provide a little more detail...

What is the best camera (or DSLR??) for HD video recording?
Q. I'm srry if what I'm saying sounds dumb or something because I'm totally new to like recording and cameras and pixels/frames/lenses, all that jazz. I really want to start making more quality videos for my youtube channel and I wanna purchase a new camera to do video recording with. i know that a lot of cameras have really good focusing/auto focusing (i dont know what its called). I'm looking for something around $300-600 (less than 300 would be awesome) In generally, I just need help finding a camera with good focus and takes quality- decent video for a reasonable price..
I know this is totally not specific but any recommendations will be appreciated

A. Most compact camera's will not do a good job in low light.
Most DSLRs will not auto focus during videos (because of the mirror which needs to be flipped for fast focusing) unless you buy a mirrorless camera which auto focuses.
You can buy a HD Camcorder which will do a pretty good job most of the time but the vidoes will not be professional looking. HD Camcorders will keep everything in focus most of the time (if not all the time) so you really can't keep certain things in focus and other things blurred. I mean selective focusing- similar to what we see in movies or nice videos.
Now if you are serious about decent quality videos and are fine to go with Manual focusing, you can take nice videos. Buy a Pentax K-01 body for around $300. Buy a Super Takumar M42 lens for around $100 with an adapter for Pentax. Once you get hold of the manual focusing, you will be amazed how beautiful videos taken be take on big sensors of DSLRs compared to any HD camcorders. If you want to use AutoFocus, your videos will keep getting that lens noise while it tries (and misses while)focusingg. Will be horrible when the light is low.

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Which camcorder should I buy and why:JVC GZGM77 or SONY DCRSR70?


A. Here's a detailed review of the JVC GZ-MG77:

& for the Sony DCR-SR80:

There are both very comparable with a slight edge to Sony. I would suggest the Sony over the JVC based on my past experience with other Sony & JVC products.

For camcorders: Canon, JVC, or Sony?
Q. Which company would be the most reliable company to buy a camcorder from? I want it to be good quality and last long :D

A. Definitely Sony. They have camcorders that can blow your mind. I personally have a very good one that has lasted and out performed all of my expectations.

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Underwater wireless live streaming Camera?

Q. So I am building an underwater ROV and my team needs a camera to mount onto our robot. It needs to be water proof, but if you have to buy a separate box it might be okay. It should be wireless, but we could run a Ethernet cable if we have to. And of course it needs to be able to live stream onto a laptop on the surface of the water.

I have looked into using a Go Pro, but I am unsure of what model to get and Go Pros seem a little pricey, so cheaper options may be better.

Does anyone have any ideas on what i can use? If i use a Go Pro i need to know which model is best, but I would like cheaper options if they exist. Thank You

A. Underwater wifi is relatively new and not "readily" available.
at least, not from regular stores. If you are depending on the GoPro wireless connectivity to do what you want, I would bet against it - at least for now. That means some sort of tethered version. As far as I know, there is no wired, direct, "streaming" capability that will do what you want. Remember, the GoPro is a camera/camcorder and designed to capture video locally to a memory card.

Wireless communication is one thing - wireless video is a whole different animal (bandwidth issues in the aquatic/marine environment).

And if you are using a robotic craft, I am guessing the ROV is going to be more than 100 feet away which means if on land, would be on the edge of wifi's reach - underwater, even more so. The GoPros included waterproof housing is rated to only 40 meters (~130 feet).

A camera-only (no local recording), with a cable, solution may be a more do-able option. Since we don't know how deep the camera needs to go and we don't know how far away the camera will be (it could be 5 feet deep but 300 feet away) it is impossible to actually make a recommendation. This shallow, but far away is different than 300 feet deep because of the pressure exerted at that depth.

Your solution may be as simple as
which is even more than the GoPro. This is an underwater wired camera designed to do what you want. Similar to a security camera, it has a single cable that includes connections for power and the video feed. The power is supplied on the computer side of the cable - the camera does not carry local power. The camera does not store video locally, but sends the video over the wire to an analog/digital converter. This can be a standalone box like those from Blackmagic Design, Roxio, Elgato, Thompson/Grass Valley/Canopus or a card fitted to the computer.

And keep in mind that at about 40ft-50ft and deeper, you will likely need to add light. Underwater lighting can be pricey...

digital camera that takes VERY CLEAR CLOSEUPS for under $100?
Q. People who know cameras please help me find a very inexpensive digital camera that will not blur or motion bur and takes high resolution photos of close-up/small subjects. I definitely can't afford anything over $100, but $50 would be even better. I'm looking for the least expensive option that takes super super clear closeups basically.

I don't need a lot of storage space, just as long as it has a memory card slot. Would also be nice if it was wall-chargeable (aka you can plug it into an adapter to charge instead of a battery) but I don't know if that's possible. I don't know resolution jargon, but my current camera takes pictures that are roughly the size of an entire computer screen, so anything that resolution or better is good for me. It just blurs a lot, so that's why I need a new one.

Recommend away! Thank you!!!!

A. Canon PowerShot A2300 is an excellent camcorder. This camera comes with 16 megapixels. It also has an excellent 28mm wide angle lens with digital image stabilizer and a 720p HD video. This camera shoots awesome pictures,videos and have been one of the top recommended in 2013 so far. It would be perfect for your youtube videos. It is sold at amazon for $88.72 which i think is a decent price for such quality. I have provided links below for you.
Canon PowerShot A2300 16.0 MP Digital Camera with 5x Digital Image Stabilized Zoom 28mm Wide-Angle Lens with 720p HD Video Recording (Red)

check out this video that the camcorder took below:
Professional photographer for over 20 years

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Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Best mid level camcorder: price/functionality?

Q. I'm starting up a filming business, and for the moment I'm just renting a Canon XF100. I haven't started filming yet, but I have a job in a few weeks.

The money generated from my after school job and my filming business will go towards my new camera.

Just which one?

I like the price of the Canon XF100, but I'm not sure if it's the right camera.

I'm going to be filming Market updates for a real estate company monthly, so it needs to look amazing. I'll also be filming whatever else comes along, plus I scuba dive so I'd like it to film well underwater as well. I will probably do some slo mo as well so I'd like it to be capable of filming over/around 60fps

I want to spend between $2,000 to $3,000/$3,500

Any ideas would be great. Thanks

A. Step 1: Learn the difference between video and film.

The Canon XF100 is a decent digital video capture device. You did not tell us why you don't think the XF100 is "the right camera". You did not tell us why it ended up on your short list - other than price. Most would be investigating video quality...

Any camcorder can capture useful video when the camcorder is used properly. We don't know if your budget includes a good tripod and other steadying devices (for real estate, use of a tripod is minimum - use of a counterbalanced, articulated, arm on a vest (like a Steadicam system - see Tiffen) would be beneficial for "walkthroughs" and maybe a camera crane or drone with video capture capabilities for outside shots; The EXF format captured by the XF100 needs a very robust computer and compatible video editor; mics, lighting, cases, cables, power supplies... and since it is not waterproof, an underwater housing that can handle the depths you plan will be needed (not inexpensive) and if you go deeper than about 40 feet, you'll want underwater lighting, too.

In any case, never capture handheld (for the land-shots - especially important for the real estate segments), add light... In your price range, take a look at the Sony NEX-VG series. They are camcorders that use large imaging chips and have an interchangeable lens system - like a dSLR, but being designed for video capture, do not have the know problems (overheating, file segmentation, audio issues) associated with dSLRs.

Q. I am looking to buy a camcorder as my sister is graduating from HS, my friend from college, and me from college in spring 07. I am researching what the best camcorder is in terms of color. I think I either want to go the MINI DVD route or the hard drive route. I heard with the MINI DVD you only get 20 minutes recording time- not long enough in my opinion. How much time is it with the plug into your computer hard drive burner type? And what brand would you recommend that I get? Are they very expensive or in a good price range?
Thanks for the response. I am getting multiple responses to go Sony so I shall look that route. I am wondering what exactly is a MinDV and can I transer such a format to my computer to burn on DVD. I want to be able to share the filming with family members via the mail.

A. I would not recomend the DVD camcorders. You should look at Cannon or Sony Mini DV cameras. They record in the digital video format, which is the correct format to import into a computer video software for editing, and can hold 60 Mins. on one tape. The prices on both brands range from about $400 for the basic model to about $3,000 for the Professional grade. So you should be able to find a decent camera that fits your needs.

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What is the best Video camera for a beginner filmmaker?

Q. I am a film student, and I want to buy my firs Video camera to start working in small personal projects. Anybody could recommend me what would be a good initial equipment to own for small productions?
Thank you in advance.

A. If you truly are a "film student", check with a trusted teacher. Chances are they will recommend a miniDV tape based camcorder with a mic jack and manual audio control.... with the largest lenses and imaging chips you can afford.

Your first step is to set a budget - and see what camcorders fall into your budget range.

Keep in mind that the camcorder is only one part of your toolkit. Mics, tripod (or other steadying device), rechargeable high capacity batteries, lights, cases, lenses and lots of other stuff will be needed - even for small productions. It is possible to use lesser camcorders, but the reduced flexibility you get from them will become quickly frustrating.

If you go the miniDV tape route, your computer will need a firewire port to import the video for editing. If it does not have one, hopefully it has an available expansion slot so you can add one. If it does not - or you are unwilling or unable to add a firewire port, then your other option is flash memory - the video files copy to the computer using USB but many times need converting in order for the video editor to do anything with the video. Hard disc drive camcorders use the same file types are flash memory so video quality is the same - but hard disc drive camcorders have known problems with high levels of vibration and high altitude (over 9,800 feet), they are longer recommended unless there is a specific reason to use HDD based cams (long record time).

Consumer DVD based camcorders' video is so poor for editing, record time is short and transfer to computer is challenging, they never make the short list.

Is the Canon HV30 fine for a first-time filmmaker?
Q. I'm a wanna-be filmmaker (I'm not sure I can even call myself a "beginner" just yet). I've been looking at the Canon HV30 camcorder, which can shoot footage in 24p, and I like what I see.

Obviously, once I become more advanced and professional, I'd want a far more sophisticated video camera or just move on to film.

But, for now, would you consider the HV30 sufficient for a beginning independent filmmaker?

A. Any camcorder is fine for a beginner or novice filmmaker - especially those with HDV or miniDV recording media.

Your choice of the The Canon HV30 is a Great Choice. This camera has all the basic functions of the professional models on a much simpler scale. More importantly, this camera has only the features you need to concentrate on and learn first (such as focus, color, exposure, frame rate, and depth of field) before you move on to more advanced theory and techniques.

The automatic settings are better than normal. If you want to turn all the other features to automatic so you can concentrate on a single feature, you can do that too. It will allow you to practice your techniques and build you understanding of handling everything else relates to the camera such as scene, editing, and other considerations like film math (all the ratios, formulas, and conversions of frame rates, amounts of light, and resolutions).

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Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Camcorder the best of 2012?

Q. Hello, I;ve been looking for cameras for the past two weeks. Reasearching on what the best one I Should buy..
Panasonic HDC TM900 or Panasonic HDC SDT750 or Canont3i and Canon Vixia HF M40,

Which would be the top two choices from this list?

A. Panasonic TM900 and Canon T3i

Best Camcorder for vlogging?
Q. I would like it to be something new 2011/2012 and nothing too expensive. I want to vlog inside and outside. Also maybe something that can film sports such as football and motorcross.
Thanks for the answers! :)

A. Sony HDR-CX190 High Definition Handycam 5.3 MP Camcorder with 25x Optical Zoom (2012 Model) has been a great HD camcorder so far. It is very small and lightweight, to say the least. I think the 70 series battery I bought for this unit weighs almost as much as the camera. The controls are good with the little screen joystick and menus. The color is very good on the screen, and the video is sharp. I like the 30x for videoing my stepsons' wrestling matches.

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Verizon phone with a camcorder?

Q. I was looking for a cheaper phone with a decent camcorder on it. I also text alot and take a lot of pictures. Music on it isn't really important, but I would like to be able to record my own ringtones.

A. there is no such thing as a camcorder on a phone. If you want a good video phone, get the versa or the dare, you can record your own ringtones but it is a pain becasue you have to save it as a sound and then send it to yourself and then set it as a ringtone. Go to and click on phones. If a "chat with sales assistant" comes up chat with them and ask them questions and they will be able to help more than anyone on yahoo naswers.
good luck, hpe i helped.

smart phones as camcorders ??????
Q. Hello I'm looking for a device that can record in HD and be easily transferred to my HD TV. Can someone please tell me the best route to take? I've been hearing I-Phone, I've been hearing I-Pad, I've been hearing Android. Which has the clearest/sharpest picture? I'm looking for some advice on what route to take. I can a 3GS for like $125 how's that record? Sorry not big on technology

A. They are good , but they don't have the technology focused directly on the technology , more brilliant across the board when putting phones next to each other .. not camcorders - phones are all digital , no optics. camcorders still have the optics , and functions made completely in mind for a video camera use and function.. while smart phones use digital technology which is HD , and ok , but the room to move is limited for other functions out of the pocket .. ok to use .. but not made namely for video , which is a drawback if you let it be. bit like using a kayak to go fishing , does the job , but a boat is better

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After loading video clips from camcorder to laptop, the playback is jumpy?

Q. but not when played back on the camcorder. What do I do?
I am using a Praktica DVC 5.5 HDMI with resolution options of 1080 720 WVGA and QVGA. The laptop is a Compaq presario CQ70 (windows vista). Hope this is helpful. Great to get help so quickly after a long time trying to work things out on my own!

A. Hi Stephen, and welcome to Yahoo!Answers: [UPDATE -- see below]

As a brief Answer to your first post here, most laptops are NOT well-suited for trying to edit & playback HD video. Consumer HD video tends to be highly-compressed, and that takes a lot of mathematical algorithms & processing power to decode & playback.

Professional video editors spend thousands of dollars on extra-RAM, multi-core processors, and super-fast external hard drives (to keep the main boot & software drive from thrashing around needlessly). Some editing setups have dedicated hardware accelerators just to handle the HD video compression & de-compression needed for real-time edit & rendering playback.

Your camcorder has the equivalent of hardware encoders/decoders to handle smooth playback of footage. This is stuff your laptop has to try to do in software, along with everything else you might have running in the background.

Without knowing what kind (Mac or PC & which OS version) of laptop you have, and which processor and RAM amounts, etc., I can't guess at your "bottleneck" without more info from you. Most Windows machines require a good DirectX 9 (or higher) compatible video card with plenty of video-RAM to run HD video codecs without "hiccups". Laptops tend to scrimp on video card specs. And telling us exactly what brand & model # camcorder you use also will help.

A quick workaround is to set your camcorder to record in standard-def (640x480 VGA), if it has that menu option. The results will run smoother, and look just fine for YouTube and other online projects. Most modern camcorders will also have standard-def 16:9 widescreen settings to allow that "HD look" but still use standard def bandwidth.

Feel free to update your Question with more info on your hardware & software setup, using the "Additional Details" link on the Action Bar below your Question. (Mouse-over the "pencil icon" Edit menu.) This Q&A will remain open for at least 4 days for updates & responses.

hope this helps,
--Dennis C.

[UPDATE edit] Thanks for the details. Your Praktica DVC is basically a German combo camcorder/still-camera that shoots H.264-compressed video in both 1080p & 720p HD, as well as widescreen (WVGA, 800x480) and email-friendly QVGA (320x240) standard def files in QuickTime ".MOV" format. The H.264 codec can be the hardest for some computers to deal with (files are highly-compressed). Make sure you have the latest Apple QuickTime 7 for Windows update (free at You can also update to QuickTime Pro for $29, which will give you more options (converting & simple editing) dealing with H.264 files.

Your laptop has a 2GHz dual-core Pentium (mobile version chip), and came with 3Gigs of memory (and 1.2Gigs of video RAM) -- not bad and not great. The stock hard drive only spins at 5400RPM, which is kinda slow for shuffling HD video files. Adding more RAM and changing to a faster hard drive are about the only speed-up options you have in a laptop. Close out all other apps and background processes (turn off updates, etc.) when you're dealing with HD video.

Windows Movie Maker (WMM) won't "natively" handle H.264 (or any Quicktime files, for that matter), but you can download Real Networks' free RealPlayer & RealPlayer Converter, which should play your video files much better (as well as convert them to .WMV format, for WMM to be able to edit & play). See link in my Sources below.

You might find that WVGA widescreen videos are better-handled by your laptop & software, and will still give you that big screen look. The file sizes will also be smaller than 1080p or 720p HD.

Camcorder question here?
Q. Hi all.. quick question about my Sony Handycam CRX110..
Had it for a year and it worked great. Well the other day I had an 8GB 30 MB/S memory card in there and I noticed that during the video recording it would stop and go into very slow motion for 2-3 seconds. It would do this 1 or 2 times while recording. I usually use an 8GB 20 MB/S memory card so I tried that and noticed it a little bit but it wasn't that bad. I recorded about 15 clips and this only happened in about 2 or 3 of them. I didn't press any buttons and was just doing normal recording.

Does anyone know what this is? Or does this happen sometimes?

A. Hi Derek, and welcome to Yahoo!Answers:

The "speed class" of your memory cards is probably too slow. You should be using a Class 10 (45Mb/s or faster) SD card in your HD Handycam. High-Def video (especially action footage) contains a lot of data, and certain footage that can't compress easily can "clog" the data storage to the SD card.

If you are only seeing this "slow motion" effect on the LCD screen during record (and not during playback of the same footage), then what you are probably seeing is a small glitch while your camera starts a new "file" on longer video takes. Video files are limited to 2Gb or 4Gb file size, and long video sequences are broken-up into several segments. The processor chips in your camera have to buffer the video stream for a few seconds while one file is closed and a new one opened.

And don't skimp money by buying off-brand SD cards. There are a lot of counterfeit memory cards out there (low-speed cards masquerading as high-speed ones), and even Class 10 cards can have different max write-speed specs.

hope this helps,
--Dennis C.

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Questions about DV Camcorders....!?

Q. I am looking to buy a camcorder because the one I had crapped out on me years ago but I am looking to update!!! Should I even buy a DV Camcorder? Is there anything better than that? Can I erase any part of the video using a mini-dvd while filming? Can I stop and record later like a CD-RW or would it save without being able to add to it???

Ahhhhhh so many questions!!!!!!!! : /
This is only for family purposes so it's not like I'm a video pro... I just want to know what's good out there! How many formats are there and which ones are most compatible with a DVD player or computer?

A. MiniDV camcorders are still the best quality video format out there in consumer camcorders. Better than DVD, hard drive, and flash memory.

Erasing parts of mini-DVD would depend on the exact DVD format being used. With DVD, once you "finalize" the disc, you cannot change its contents. Until then, you can still stop and record later.

On MiniDV tape, you can erase, stop, start, record, play back, do whatever you want, as long as you have the switch on the tape in the "record" position and not the record-protect position.

Keep in mind, as for video quality; there's a very good reason you don't see DVD and hard drive formats in any level of professional camcorder, but you still see MiniDV tape in cameras such as the Panasonic AG-HVX200, at about $5,000. It's all about quality and compatibility.

Of course, there are positives and negatives to any camcorder, depending on what your needs are. I like MiniDV because I edit video on my computer, and because I'm a video professional, so quality is very important to me.

EDIT: Well, where do you want to use it? Do you want to edit? What do you imagine yourself doing with your video? For starters, I recommend the guide here from B&H Photo & Video, a great store here in New York. Click the link to the buying guide at the far right:
This will tell you about formats, connections, all of that. It will be helpful.

You should also check out these sites:

They'll be helpful with their reviews. They'll point out things you might not think of otherwise (for example, I was looking at one camcorder until I learned that I could only connect it to my computer if I was plugged into an outlet, because the DV port was IN the battery compartment!).

As for which formats are out there, you mainly have MiniDV cassette, DVD, hard drive (HDD), and flash memory (SD cards, memory stick, and so forth). Each has its positives and negatives. All are digital formats; analog formats such as Hi8, VHS-C, and a couple of others have generally been pushed away by now.

As for compatibility, DVD is most compatible with a DVD player. With a computer, it depends. If you're editing, MiniDV is compatible with just about every editing program ever created. For DVD and hard-drive formats, you might have trouble getting editing programs to recognize them.

My advice is...when in doubt, go with MiniDV, for a few reasons:

-You start with higher-quality video than the rest.

-You also have more options. You don't have to worry about "clearing space" like you would with a hard-drive unit. When one tape fills up, just pop in another tape. Tape is cheap, especially from a place like B&H, where I typically get them for under $3 a tape. Get them from someplace like that, not from someplace that rips you off at $7 or $8 for those same tapes.

-You also don't have to worry about whether it'll be compatible with your editing software. It's compatible, end of story. You just have to have a "FireWire" port on your computer, either 4-pin, 6-pin, or 9-pin. Such ports are also known as "IEEE 1394," "i.Link," and "DV." They're all the same thing. If you computer does NOT have one, that's OK...FireWire cards are inexpensive these days, and relatively easy to install.

A few drawbacks for MiniDV - you can't just pop the tape into anything and play it back; you have to have the camera to play it back. When you're loading video to your computer, you have to do it at regular speed - an hour of video will take an hour to capture. Finally, it's tape, so there are still moving parts. Then again, if you take good care of your camera, that's not a big problem.

Overall, MiniDV tape is my choice. Quality is better than DVD and HDD, it's easy to store, it's compatible with everything, it's just overall the best for my purposes.

As for other things to look at, which apply to all types of cameras; how important is low-light performance to you? What about the need for a microphone jack, or will you just use sound from the camera itself? How about zoom, how much do you need? Some cameras do it better than others.

One word of advice about zoom - look only at the "optical" zoom, not the "digital" zoom. Optical zoom is real magnification, caused by actual movement of lens parts. Digital "zoom" is the camera taking a guess at how the video would look if it were magnified, but it makes the video look grainy, and you could do the same thing on your computer anyway. So yes, only optical zoom is important.

Finally, hate to complicate things any more, but what about high-definition? If you have HDTV, you might think about looking at some camcorders that shoot HD. Some flash-memory, HDD, and tape (HDV which is shot on MiniDV tape) camcorders do this. It's worth a look, unless you're nowhere near looking at any HDTV-related things for now.

If you have any other questions, ask away!

im looking for a good camcorder?
Q. I want a camcorder with a good resolution and lighting. At $100-150. I want to know if there is one that can upload directly to youtube since that would be far more convenient. I would prefer if you could tell me what store I could buy it. at. (Bestbuy or compusa)

A. You should create a camcorder buying guide, or list of what you are looking for and what you can afford. Do you want a 3d camcorder? A night vision camcorder? What are the camcorders reviews? Will you need extra camcorder batteries? What is the best pocket camcorder? There are numerous options available on camcorders that are on the market today, and it is imperative that you take the time to compare camcorders, otherwise how in the world would you know which one is best for you?

By our analysis, the 3 top notch camcorders are Panasonic HDC-SDT750, Canon Vixia HF G10 and Panasonic HDC-TM900.

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9/11 video?

Q. There was a video I remember seeing, right after 9/11/01. It was taken by a fireman in training. I don't remember what this video was called though. It was rather long, and completely unedited. There was also a part i remember where the people in the building used this camera as a flashlight. Does this video ring any bells? all answers would be appreciated :-)

A. The link is below.
It was an amazing documentary of Sept 11th by two french journalist brothers. It is usually shown on CBS on the eve of Sept 11th - I haven't checked the listings yet but I hope it will be show tomorrow evening.
The video can also be purchased on

What kind of cameras do journalists use?
Q. You know when you see journalists and their cameramen. The cameras they use. What type of cameras would that be.

A. Journalists do not use cameras, news photographers use still cameras and TV news cameramen use Video cameras.
As an Australian I am converting the costs here in Australia into the equivalent US Dollars. Costs may actually be lower in the US.
If you are talking about News Photographers, they may use a Nikon or Canon digital still cameras (the two most common used in the industry) usually costing around $US 2,000 for the body only then there are the various lenses which vary in cost from around $US600 to $US2,500 each. A news photographer would have at least four lenses with him. Then he would have a tripod and flash gear.

If you are talking about the TV news cameramen, then they may use a number of different brands. Sony is the most common but there are also "Ikagami"and "Panasonic" and some lesser brands. Most used now are wide-screen digital CCD Betacams and can cost about $US 100,000 per camera and recorder (for the top of the range cameras) while some use cheaper models (around $60,000). Then there are the portable lights, plug-in lights, tripod, batteries and battery chargers, microphones, leads etc. To fit out a "TV News Car" costs over $US 250,000.

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Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Best camera/camcorder for $150 and under?

Q. Friend really wants a video/photo camera for under $150. I know there isn't a lot there but any suggestions? He thinks a video camera that takes photos is his best way to go but I've always gone photo first and video second.

Please help! Thanks :)

A. Go for the Kodak Playfull, which takes 1080p video and 5MP pictures and all in a small package. It has a small screen, but that's it's only disadvantage:) It has night mode among other things and is pretty good. Gizmodo, and online blog about technology rated this as the best recorder a few days ago.

*this is only because your friend wants video first and then pictures second. This is possibly the best compromise :) however, I would recommend otherwise and go your route having pictures first then videos second :) but that's your friend's choice right? :P

How is the Flip Camcorder. Does it have a competing product?

A. I own a Flip UltraHD and it does pretty good recordings ( view some of my videos here - )

The top competing cameras are:
Kodak Zi8
Creative Vado

As of right now the UltraHD might be the best for the price ($155 - ) followed by the Kodak Zi8 ( $180 - )

The one camera that I'm waiting for is the Kodak Playsport, which is waterproof too.
Dem video here -

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What camcorder is best value for the quality?

Q. I would like to purchase for family, new baby, sports. I would like HD.
Is Flip good for TV viewing? Want to watch clearly on TV and computer.

A. You can consider buying
Flip Ultra Camcorder 2nd Generation, 120 Minutes ..
Easy-to-use, pocket-sized camcorder featuring one-touch recording and digital zoom
Captures 120 minutes of full VGA-quality video on 4 GB of built-in memory; no tapes or additional memory cards required
Convenient flip-out USB arm plugs directly into your computer to launch FlipShare software
Built-in FlipShare software lets you easily email videos, edit individual clips, and upload video to sharing sites like YouTube and MySpace
Large 2-inch color LCD screen to play back and delete videos

Flip MinoHD Camcorder 2nd Generation, 2 Hours
All-new MinoHD is the world's sleekest HD camcorder
Captures 120 minutes of stunning HD video on 8 GB of built-in memory; no additional memory needed
Convenient flip-out USB arm plugs directly into your PC or Mac to launch pre-loaded FlipShare software
FlipShare software makes it easy to email videos, edit individual clips, make custom movies, capture still-image snapshots
Large, 2-Inch anti-glare color display to play back and delete videos

What happens when a camcorder requires 7.9volts and you plug in a 7.5 volt adapter?
Q. Its a Panasonic PV-GS31 camcorder.

A. You need to know what AMPERAGE - milliamps the Camcorder is rated for at the 7.9 listed voltage. Adapters almost NEVER give the voltage that the label indicates - if you have a digital multimeter and look at the voltage, you will usually find that 7.9 volts actually reads 14 or 16 volts with no "load" ( not plugged in ) as the camcorder uses power the
voltage will drop, and the Amperage will increase - different
functions on the camcorder such as rewind, zoom, playback etc. will use different motors and chips, and therefore use different amounts of power. Some adapters use cheap
single diode converters from AC ( Alternating current input of 120 volts, which goes from zero to 167 vots in one direction, back to zero, then to 167 volts in the other direction, and back to Zero ) If there is little or no CAPACITOR value in MicroFarads, then the output is a choppy
jagged pulse. The Output rating of 7.9 volts at xxx milliamps ( one thousand milliamps is one amp ) is an AVERAGE only - at one specific amperage listed !
NOTE - you also need to know the center tip and outer
adapter plug poarity ( Positive and negative ) of the
replacement 7.5 volt adapter ! ! ! make certain that the
positive and negative match the required 7.9 volt inputs.
If you use a 3 AMP ( 3000 milliamp ) 7.5 volt adapter,
it may work much better than a 1100 milliamp 7.9 volt
adapter, since when the Camcorder uses a lot of power, the
7.9 volt may drop to 7.3 volts under heavy load, but the
7.5 volt ( "RATED" ) adapter may actually put out
9 raw volts, and NEVER drop below 7.5 volts with the
3000 milliamp ( "power output " ) it is capable of supplying. Unless I find a computer grade switch mode power supply rated a 5.0 volts, xxx amps, I rarely find any
adapter that actually puts out the VOLTAGE that is listed
on the label. Ten different adapters, by ten different
companies, all with the same output label ( 7.5 volts at
1000 milliamps ), will actually give 10 different voltages
at any given load ( Current draw in milliamps ).
Just make certain that the polarity ( Positive and negative ) is correct, and try the 7.5 - if the adapter gets too hot in a few minutes of use, then it is too small in its Amperage output, and you could burn it out. If it has an equal, or higher amperage than the original 7.9 adapter, and it remains cool running, and the camcorder works perfectly, then you are probably ok.
Summary - check the polarity and the amperage required. If your 7.5 volt adapter is labelled 200 or 450 milliamps then you are probably in trouble - the adapter is for a tiny device that uses little power. If the camcorder label states
1.6 amps ( at 7.9, or " 8 " volts ) then you are better off to try to find an adapter with similar or HIGHER amperage output, at, or near 7.5 to 8 volts, for example 2 amps ( 2000 milliamps ). If you had 2 electrical meters, one set to amperage, the other set to votlage, you could see the actual voltage of any adapter drop from, for example, 12 vots raw output, with no load, to 7.9 volts under heavy camcorder load when plugged in.
NOTE 120 Vots is not 120 volts of anything - it is an AVERAGE of the curve going up and down from zero to about 167 vots at the peak of each "hill" in the center. The wave form of 120 volts looks like a bunch of hills, alternating
with identical valleys, so the average "real" power is
about 120. If you look at an oscilloscope you see a sine wave, which looks like the side view of ripples in water.
If you had to say how high the water level was, and there were waves comming in on the beach, you take the average between the tops of the waves and the bottoms, and use that as an average. Similar to "120" volts, or 7.9 volts Direct current ( Direct Current is exactly the same a a battrey output - just a single voltage with no waves - just a straight line, like a water level on a day with no wind - flat ) Most adapters put out some form of ripple or waves caused by the 120 volt input's huge waves.
So, 7.5 and 7.9 "could" be almost identical, depending on
how well the adapters were made, and what electronics were used inside the adapters to change 120 volts down to " 7.9 ".
FINALLY, if I haven't bored you to death already, the CAMCORDER itself usually has a power regulation circuit
built into it as well ... This means that the Camcorder takes in the raw "7.9 volts" and has circuits to change the power to charge the camcorder's batteries ( high current, probably about 6 volts ), to run the motors ( probably
various tiny motors running 6 volts, 5 volts, 3 volts etc
depending on how powerful they need to be ), to run the memory and controller chips, (5.00 volts, 3.3 volts, 1.5 volts, etc. ) and to supply the mini liquid TV viewer screen's backlight... SO... This means that even a 9 volt
power supply with a correct polarity, and similar Amperage rating may work just fine, IFF the power converter circuits in the Camcorder itself can handle dropping a bit of excess voltage from the 9.0 volts ( rated, but putting out 12 vots raw power easily under no load ) to 8.0 ( or 7.9 ) volts rated by the Camcorder manufacturer. Again Amperage rating is a huge factor to consider...

Hope this helps


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What camcorder should I buy that is best?

Q. I've had my sony camcorder that uses hi-8 tapes for 9 years and now its not working at great as it should. The picture on the screen shakes a little every 4 seconds. I've used camcorders that use the smaller tapes at school, but when I watched stuff back on those tapes, the film would have lines in some parts and the tapes were new. The only good thing I liked about it was how it had more faders and other settings than my camcorder. I never used those dvd camcorders so I don't know how they work.

Anyway, I'm going to buy a new camcorder (probably on ebay) and I'm thinking about buying the latest camcorders out there today, but I don't know if I'll like them seems how I'm so used to my old one. How many hours can I film on new camcorders? Do they break easily or have problems? Should I just buy an older camcorder like mine? What camcorders do you have that work well for you?

A. "Everio Hybrid Camera - Elegant and slim HDD/micro SD Hybrid camcorder featuring 60GB HDD for up to 75 hours of recording with KONICA MINOLTA LENS. Everio has been redesigned to offer more satisfaction in a smaller lighter body. It's the world's smallest and lightest hard disk camcorder so you can shoot actively without fatigue and travel with lots of space left over when

What do I need to view my old 8mm camcorder tapes and where to get a few repaired from?
Q. We have a almost a 9 year old camcorder started watching some tapes from it tonight the eject part where you place or take out the tapes started eating up a few of our family tapes. I remember my mom telling me she could view hers with some type of VHS looking tape where you could put your camcorder tapes into it play and watch them. What do we get to watch them from home and where do we go to get a few repaired that the camcorder started eating up?


A. there are companies that can transfer your video from old cassettes to dvd. Check your yellow pages.

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is it a wise choice to buy sanyo xacti camcorder ?

Q. for still and video capture ?

A. Yes, Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Digital Camcorder and 8 MP Digital Camera (White)
List Price: $610.48
Price: $199.99

Stop fussing with bulky underwater housing. The Sanyo Xacti VPC-E2 Waterproof Digital CameraCorder captures both high-resolution 8-megapixel digital still photos and high quality video underwater. It is pocket-sized, so it's perfect for the beach or on the ski slopes. This unique CameraCorder also offers face detection for both still photos and video and is designed to easily upload video to social networking websites such as YouTube and portable digital media players such as the iPod Video.

Full motion video up to 1.25 hours on an SD card and up to 10 hours on an 8 GB SDHC card (TV-HQ mode) Face detection - up to 12 faces for still photos and 6 faces for video Ergonomic design for single-handed operation Uses SD/SDHC memory card Simultaneous still image capture while shooting video Underwater mode for better color in underwater photos and video Digital Image stabilizer Full-range digital stereo recording In-camera editing MPEG4 video files can be directly imported into iTunes and transferred to video-capable iPod, and other portable digital media players Web-mode for simple sharing to Web sites such as YouTube and portable media players such as the iPod video Super fast start-up @ approx 1.7 seconds Taking navigation for first-time users Simple or sophisticated menu options Sequential photos up to 10 photos@ 5fps Connectivity to TV, VCR, DVD Recorder and/or PC Includes Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 for movie editing and DVD authoring Lightweight (258 grams/9.03 ounces including battery and SD card) Lithium-ion battery and charger

Records full 640x480 resolution video at 60 fields-per-second to memory card
Takes high-resolution 8-megapixel digital still images
Easily share videos on the Web, as the camera incorporates AVC/H.264 video compression
Record up to a total of 8 hours of full motion video on an 8 GB memory card
Comes with a 2.5-inch LCD screen that can rotate up to 285-degrees

And/or the Sanyo Xacti VPC-CG9 9MP Flash Memory Camcorder with 5x Optical Zoom (Silver)
List Price: $299.99
Price: $240.25

Capture life when it happens. The Sanyo Xacti CG9 camcorder records stunning digital video and amazing 9-Megapixel digital photos, and in one compact and easy to use design. The CG9 not only makes capturing images easy, it makes sharing them a breeze; whether online, on portable video devices like iPods, or on televisions or computers. With high speed sequential shooting (up to 5 frames per second) and the very latest face chasing technology (recognizing up to 12 faces in still images) the Xacti CG9 packs cutting edge technology into a small, stylish, easy to use camera. The display flips out from the camera and rotates up to 285 degrees, on an axis that allows you to take great video or still images from otherwise difficult-to-view positions. A powerful 9-Megapixel (total) CMOS image sensor is the heart of the still image capabilities. Consisting of 9 groups and 12 total lenses, the CG9's lens provides a fantastic field-of-view with a 38-190 mm range (35mm equivalent). The CG9 enables simultaneous shooting of video clips and still images, with a simple press of the shutter button during the shooting of a movie clip. The Xacti CG9 media camera is designed for super-fast start-up and shooting. Sequential photo shoots up to 5 frames per second Highly advanced MPEG4 AVC/H.264 video compression Record over 8 hours of full motion video Capture still images while you're shooting video 9 groups, 12 elements (3 aspheric elements 5 aspheric surfaces) Auto Focus lens built-in neutral density filter 1/2 - 1/2000 seconds Shutter Speed 1/30 - 1/10000 seconds Movies Shutter Speed Low-light sensitivity - 7 lux (AUTO mode, 1/30 seconds) and 2 lux (Lamp mode 1/15) Auto (ISO 50-400) and Manual (ISO 50/100/200/400/800/1600) Sensitivity AV output (Video - Composite video, NTSC/PAL, Audio - Stereo sound) AV output for multi-type headphones (3.5mm-compatible with Stereo mini-plug) Dimensions - Width 2.77 x Depth

Features 40MB of internal memory; SDHC Flash memory compatible
Shoots 9-megapixel digital photos; includes Face Chaser technology
Highlighted by a 2.5-inch LCD display; super-fast start-up
Easily share videos and photos with highly-advanced MPEG4 video compression
Includes a high-capacity Sanyo brand lithium-ion battery

Question about the Sanyo Xacti waterproof camcorder?
Q. Is this a good camcorder? And it works well when not doing underwater pics and video right?

A. Well it is a medium quality camcorder for that price which gives you a feature to take pictures and record videos under the water. If you are going to use it also outside then I suggest you take a look at the Panasonic SDR-SW20 waterproof camcorder, it is definitely better.

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camcorder specs?

Q. there are gobs upon gobs of choices out there for a camcorder..but hopefully someone knows what i need...kind of on a budget but give your best answer...
i need somthing that uses interchangeble lenses(or ad ons),
some manual options (obviously decent video quality)
optical image stab. and mic inputs(and usb or firewire output for pc editing)
those are just the basics of what i need ...i am planning to shoot sports (high school) videos and xtreme sports videos
thanks for the help

A. Cheapest is probably Canon XL2 or GL2. GL2 is smaller. Both are in the $3-4K region

These are entry level for cable TV, corporate, educational and can even do spot news or a TV show. But the quality is still a ways from an Ikagami used by network news.

Otherwise you are going to have to live without mic input and interchanable lenses.

Pro camcorder, under $5000?
Q. Hi,
I'm looking to step up from DSLRs.
I'm going to be shooting in dependant films I don't think I'll be able to pay more than $5000.
Here is what I'm looking for.
- Can film at least 2k (4k is not nessasary)
- Can shoot 60fps, 1080p+ for slow mo
- interchangeable lenses.
- Is compatable with the standard tripods that I own for my DSLRs
- Has an electronic follow focus
- Lenes that won't break the bank (or has a good zoom lens included)
- All round, good quality images

I'm comfortable with canon, but I understand that they may be out of my price range.

Maybe you could tell me about several lenses that are similar to what I am describing? Cheaper and expensive.

I'm still at uni, so my budget is limited.

A. Hi Brian,

The least expensive camera that meets all of your specs is the Sony NEX-FS700, which costs:

$7999 new at Adorama:


$7385 used on eBay:

This camera is 1080p out of the box, but has a 4K sensor and can record 4K externally.

It shoots incredible 1080/240p slow motion and has tracking autofocus, seen here:

If you are willing to give up autofocus and 1080/60p, you might consider the $2995 2.5K RAW BlackMagic Cinema Camera. It shoots RAW images, ProRes or DNxHD. It is also compatible with your Canon EF lenses.

Here is what this camera can do:



The BMCC is on backorder, but you can order one at Adorama and they won't charge your card until it ships:

If you are willing to live with 1080p, you can get 1080/60p and electronic autofocus for $1300 with the Panasonic GH3, which looks like a DSLR, but has the features of a camcorder. Its viewfinder continues to work in video mode, it has no clip length recording limits, and produces very little moire compared to Canons. Here is what this camera can do:



The GH3 is on backorder as well, but you can order one at Amazon and they won't charge your card until it ships:

Hope this is helpful,

Hybrid Camera Revolution

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Frame Rate Camcorder Question

Q. I recently got a JVC GZ HD7. IT was discounted steeply, so I went for it. But I need it to meet the particular requirements of Expert Village, which recently changed. I'm no "expert", so I'm wondering if does.
Expert Village says it needs:
"First and foremost, you need a professional level High Definition (HD) camera that shoots at a minimum resolution of 720p or 1080i."

They also want 30p, which I guess is frame rate.

The Camcorder says it does 1080/60i. Is this good? My understanding is that 60i means 60 interlaced. Is this the same as 30p? Or am I misunderstanding what they are asking for?

A. The JVC GZ-HD7 can shoot in 1080i (1080 scan lines, interlaced). Even though 30p and 60i frame rates process the same amount of data (30 complete frames per second), the order in which the horizontal lines of video are processed and recorded is different for each format and it is not easy to convert cleanly from one to the other.

Based on my reading of the Expert Village production guidelines, they simply want HD format but prefer 720p over 1080i. But it would be best if you emailed your questions about this topic to the people at Expert Village since they are the ones with the final say.


What is a good digital camcorder with high frame rate?
Q. It will primarily be used for pen spinning videos. I'm already looking at the Flip Ultra, which is 30 FPS. I'm mostly interested something that's under $200 and I would want a camcorder that records at no less than 30 FPS, more is better. Flash memory would also be a major plus. Thanks!

A. check here

hope this helps!

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