Q. I am a new beauty guru and my old camera is not hd and I cant film good quality videos.When I shoot makeup tutorials the colors dont show up the true color that they are. I want a good cheap hd camera and i was wondering if the flip mino hd camera is good for what I am looking for? I found some on ebay for like 40 dollars
A. I would recommend the UltraHD, it's cheaper and it does have better quality. When it comes to price it does a pretty good job $145 - http://bit.ly/bzCAzk This is the camera that I have and it does pretty good videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/JesseBAndersen
Video quality wise the Kodak Zi8 might be the one. It does 1080p and also has an external mic input. Price wise it's about $180 http://bit.ly/bKPaP8
You can view a pocket camcorder comparison here:
Video quality wise the Kodak Zi8 might be the one. It does 1080p and also has an external mic input. Price wise it's about $180 http://bit.ly/bKPaP8
You can view a pocket camcorder comparison here:
What camcorder should I get that uploads to Youtube, is HD, and doesn't have lines when pointed at a screen?
Q. My Flip Video camcorder does have lines. Plz help
A. I haven't seen the lines on my Flip Ultra HD.
One camera that I might really get is the Kodak Playsport. The Playsport is 1080p, waterfproof, and $150 It doesn't come out until April 5.
Check it out here:
For alternatives to the Flip you have the Creative Vado HD and the Kodak Zi8
Zi8 HD 1080p - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26x%3D0%26ref_%3Dnb%255Fsb%255Fnoss%26y%3D0%26field-keywords%3Dkodak%2520zi8%2520HD%26url%3Dsearch-alias%253Delectronics&tag=alldevs-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957
Vado 720p - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002P3N1J2?ie=UTF8&tag=alldevs-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B002P3N1J2
One camera that I might really get is the Kodak Playsport. The Playsport is 1080p, waterfproof, and $150 It doesn't come out until April 5.
Check it out here:
For alternatives to the Flip you have the Creative Vado HD and the Kodak Zi8
Zi8 HD 1080p - http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26x%3D0%26ref_%3Dnb%255Fsb%255Fnoss%26y%3D0%26field-keywords%3Dkodak%2520zi8%2520HD%26url%3Dsearch-alias%253Delectronics&tag=alldevs-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957
Vado 720p - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002P3N1J2?ie=UTF8&tag=alldevs-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B002P3N1J2
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