Selasa, 08 April 2014

Canon ZR950 MiniDV Camcorder?


A. Entry level consumer camcorder.

No mic jack (though the ZR900, ZR930 and ZR960 have a mic jack).

Small lens and small imaging chip makes for poor low-light performance... like all the other camcorders in the same price range... up to about $800...

MiniDV tape based.

Decent camcorder for the $... what about it?

What is the best entry level Zero Lux Mini DV Camcorder?
Q. I am looking for an entry level Mini DV camcorder that will provide zero lux or near zero lux recording at night? Any suggestions on model numbers (available in UK/Ireland)

A. Lux is a measurement of the intensity of light spread over a large area. 1 lux is similar to the amount of light on a clear night with a full moon directly overhead.

0 lux means that there is absolutely no light. Many camera systems can record as low as 1 lux, but your camera need some kind of light in order to work. In a 0 lux situation, you must use some kind a light system, but this changes the situation from an area without light (0 lux) to an area with light.

You can find many cameras with a lighting device on it. Many companies like Sony add a Nightshot capability. The Nightshot system has an Infrared (IR) emitter that sends out invisible IR light to record video without adding visible light that can disrupt your filming situation. Other cameras have a small light affixed to the camera for adding minimal levels of visible light. You can also purchase much more powerful lighting systems to your camcorder for much better recording. Most professionals add external lighting to the camera or on a stand nearby.

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