Senin, 19 Mei 2014

Canon 7D vs Nikon D7000 for video?

Q. I own a Canon 7D already, with a nice small collection of lenses and accessories, but recently saw some stunning photos taken with the Nikon D7000. I studied a lot with DSLR's before purchasing the 7D from a friend early summer this year (2013), being told that Canon is superior in video quality than other brands. However, after looking into this camera, I'm beginning to doubt it.

Should I make the transition to the D7000? Is it filmmaker friendly? I plan on trying to get my hands on one to test it out, but I'm just kind of skeptical.

A. I keep coming across stunning photos taken with very simple and basic point and shoots
Does that send me a message that my gear is lacking
It only tells me that I am lacking

Should video be so important to you, you could consider a $200 camcorder

Whats better the canon gl1 or the canon gl2?
Q. whats a better camera for filming the gl1 or gl2

A. Victor, as with all things in life, there is no such thing as "better" without qualifications.

Neither camera is good for filming since neither camera shoots film.

Neither camera is good for professional video.

Both cameras are adequate for upper end consumer grade video.

The GL1 is better if you're on a budget and can't afford a newer GL2.

Both cameras are pretty much dinosaurs though since they only shoot in Standard Definition and record to tape. All new camcorders worth buying shoot at least High Definition and record to flash memory of some type.

When I was in college from 1999-2003, we got about 10 Canon GL2's when they were brand new and as a one of the people who was in charge of maintaining them, I found that they broke constantly (particularly the plastic mount around the tripod socket and head/tape transport issues) and did poor white balance. On the good side, they performed well in low light and the built-in audio, though not XLR was very clean. Overall though, unless someone is giving you one now, I hardly think they're worth buying as they are going to be on their last legs in 2013.

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