Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

I'm looking for a good camcorder to film Youtube videos?

Q. This will be my first camcorder and I'm looking for the best one I can find for about 200-400 dollars,
the things I'm looking for in the camcorder:
Optical Image Stabilizer
Auto Focus
Good sound
Good Lighting
I've read on some reviews on camcorders that they couldn't see in the sunlight or that it didn't film good at night...I need one that films good during night and day, and for me to be able to see myself film if it is sunny out.
I would like for the screen to flip over, so I could see myself film.
Extra things but not necessary:
I would like it to be a Sony
I would like it to be touch screen
and I would like it to have WI-FI
but like I said those aren't necessary

Thanks in advance!

A. Getting a HD camcorder is taking a step backward in Video Quality. HD camcorders Interpolate the video, which means of every 25 frames of video, 4 or 5 frames are taken by the lens assembly, the other frames in between these are filled in by the camcorder inner circuitry, thus giving you not true video. HD camcorders interpolate the video, which means of every 25 frames of video, 4 or 5 frames are taken by the lens assembly; the other frames in between these are filled in by the camcorder inner circuitry, thus giving you not true video. It looks like this -one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, from front to back of the video. Near impossible to edit, even when you have the Multi processor computer with the big Graphics and sound cards that is required to edit, view, watch and work with the files a HD camcorder produces.

Consumer level HD camcorders have 4 problems. 1) Blurry, fuzzy, out of focus areas closely around people in videos taken by consumer level HD camcorders. 2) Any movement, even a wave or lifting an arm, while in front of a recording consumer level HD camcorder, results in screen ghosts and artifacts being left on the video track, following the movement. Makes for bad video, sports videos are unwatchable. 3) These Consumer level HD camcorders all have a habit of the transferred to computer files are something you need to convert, thus losing your HD quality, to work with your editing software. 4) Mandatory maximum record times - 1 hour, 30 minutes, 8 minutes, 3 minutes � four different times advertised as maximum record time for some consumer level HD camcorders. No event I have ever been to is that short. Either take multiple camcorders or pack up with out getting the end of the event on video.

MiniDV is currently the most popular format for consumer digital camcorders. MiniDV camcorders are typically more affordable than their HDD and DVD counterparts. Each MiniDV tape will typically hold an hour of footage at normal recording speed and quality. MiniDV tapes are available for purchase at not only electronic and camera stores, but also at drugs stores and grocery stores, making them easy to find while your on vacation. There are literally hundreds of MiniDV camcorders available; both in standard and high-definition. And add the fact that to get a HD camcorder that could produce better video quality footage, one would have to spend in excess of $3500 for that camcorder that could produce higher quality video.

best camera and camcorders?
Q. i am looking for a great digital pocket camera or pocket camcorder under $300 plz help
hey pey what do you thinkof the olypus cameras

A. I like Canon cameras/camcorders and have the least expensive Canon Camcorder that does great video. Cameras take great pictures, but not great video.

Just saw this camera at Best Buy and think it is a great camera and a best buy. It has an optical viewfinder, image stabilizer, auto focus, and uses NiMH rechargeable batteries. Read as much of the following as you can for other information and help with choosing a camera.
Canon A590IS $149.99 at Best Buy store yesterday. ...

There is no one particular place to get great buys, but you may see something above that really helps you find the best buy. Click on the link in the information above for an example then search for your camera of choice at the upper left. Camera prices at this link change often.

While most of the cameras out there are really good, I would choose Canon over Nikon because it seems like more camera for the money. Some would say Canon withholds their best technology for high end cameras and Nikon implements their best at all levels. Before you decide, read all the text and links in the information below because it will help you know what to look for in a camera.

There are so many cameras out there it is difficult to say which is best, but digital is definitely the way to go. The second source link will be very helpful as it list most of the cameras out there with prices. The following information should help you know what to look for in a camera.

What gives a camera its picture quality?
The short answer is that it is mostly the skill of the photographer that produces high quality pictures. The lens and camera are very important, but the ability to set the scene, adjust the cameras settings, and hold the camera very still or use a tripod with auto or remote shutter actuation when required is what gets the great pictures.

In new cameras, look for optical viewfinders (LCD invisible in bright sun) and check battery prices. High mega pixel settings take longer to process and may not be needed unless required for very large pictures or enlarging small parts of big pictures. Maximum print size for a 3 mega pixel setting is 8 x 10 inches. ... ...

Lots of great camera tips in these two links. ... ...

Check this more for the money camera. FUJIFILM - FinePix 10.0-Megapixel Digital.
Life time Warranty (Parts & Labor).

Wide-angle shooting, a 12x optical zoom and picture stabilization mode combine in this camera for exceptional shooting performance, even at a distance. Plentiful scene modes, autofocus and automatic white balance controls make this camera a snap to operate. You may be able to find it on the Internet for a lower price. ... ...

This could be the best slim line camera with a viewfinder. It's PINK!;_ylc=X3oDMTB0bjZzaWNuBF9TAzk2NjMyOTA3BHNlYwNmZWVkBHNsawNlbGVj ... ...

The information about my camera is just to show that you don't need the biggest and best. Just know how to use the one you have.

My camera has 5.2 mega pixel, but I use 3 most of the time because it gives great results, is faster, and takes less memory. Also, it only has a 3 x optical zoom and 7 x digital zoom. I never use the digital zoom because making pictures larger works better on the computer. This is an old camera, but everyone is impressed with the quality pictures it takes ... like magic.

Check with the Geeks in several stores and compare prices. Ask what cameras they own, but don't believe everything you hear. Once you select a camera read all about it in the owner's manual. Just learned that my camera has red-eye prevention and correction. It also has adaptive lighting. You may be able to view owners manuals at this link, but will need to Login. ...

The source links will show most of the cameras out there with prices and help make your digital cameras work better.

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