Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

what kind of digital camcorder should I get?

Q. My mom said we need to get one for when we are going to the UK, but I don't know what kind to get. No flip cameras. I need a model, name, a link and why you think it is the best.

A. Get a Sony HDR-X350V. It's true HD format (not just 16:9 ratio; it's the REAL DEAL). Audio is great, but the picture is stunning. You can purchase an optional HDMI cable that will connect directly to any HD TV with HDMI inputs, and watch what you've shot in all it's glory! It's truly a phenomenal camcorder.


How do I get video's from my computer on to a CD...which can then play in the UK and Canada???
Q. I've got some video's from my camcorder (sony DCR DVD106E) which has small 8cm DVD-RWs, which I then put onto my PC...I now want to put thm onto a normal 12cm CD so that they play on DVD players in England and canada...has anyone got any idea on how to do this??

Please help!

A. you have a lot of issues to deal with. first not all DVD players can handle VCDs. VCDs use MPEG1 which is different from MPEG2 used on DVD movies. But lets say they can. Next Canada and UK have totally different video systems. Canada has 30 fps NTSC and UK uses 25 fps PAL. However since the source is miniDVD, i am assuming that the program length is under 20 minutes. That being the case, you should be able to fit 2 files on the VCD, one in NTSC and another in PAL. Since the miniDVD is mpeg2 compressed, any decent software should be able to change frame rate easily between systems since most of the frames are interpolated anyway. Next your computer needs software to generate the appropriate mpeg1 files and a burner that understands generation of VCD recordings.

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