Kamis, 01 Mei 2014


Q. I am trying to connect my camcorder to my mac and it keeps saying that there is no camcorder connected ??

I need to edit a video that I recorded on my panasonic 3ccd camcorder..the video is on a DV !

Also I am using a usb wire..should I not be using that to get good quality movies ?

A. If it is a miniDV tape based camcorder and you want the video off the tape, you need to disconnect the USB cable and use a firewire cable to connect the camcorders DV port to the Mac's firewire port. No, the manufacturer did not put a firewire cable in the box with the camcorder.

Since you did not tell us which Mac, we have no way to know if you need a 4-pin to 6-pin or 4-pin to 9-pin firewire cable. The camcorder's DV port is always 4-pin.

Almost all Macs made in the last 10+ years have a firewire port. The only exceptions are the newest MacBooks and the MacBook Air - all others have a firewire port.

When the camcorder is correctly connected with the firewire cable and in Play or VCR mode (you did not tell us which model Panasonic camcorder, either), launch iMovie, name the project file, select the destination of the file, click create and the iMovie "Camcorder connected" blue screen will appear. Import the video using the camcorder controls in the iMovie window.

If you have a Mac with no firewire port, the only workaround I can come up with is to get another Mac with a working firewire port and an external hard drive. Use this "other Mac" just for the video import - and save the iMovie project file to the external drive. When the imprting is done, shut down that "other Mac". Disconnect the external hard drive and connect it to the Mac that will do the video editing. Power the drive and the editor Mac up, launch iMove and edit.

USB will not allow video importing from a miniDV tape based camcorder. USB-to-firewire cable/hub/converter/adapters will not work.

Aiptek HD Camcorder and iMovie?
Q. I can't get my Aipted HD 720p camcorder to add video clips to iMovie. I'm setting iMovie to HD 720p mode, but nothing happens when I do it. Help?!

A. As far as I know, iMovie will recognize only Firewire connected camcorders. If you are connecting with USB, it will never work.

If the memory card is removable, take it out and use a card reader to copy the video to your Mac.

You may need to download and install StreamClip
to translate the file into a HDV format... then you can drag it into iMovie's clips pane.

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