Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Most popular tags to place in the "tags" section of a YouTube video as of now (July 2010) to increase views?

Q. Hi yeah I'm looking for educated answers, sensible ones and as many as possible please as would really help me - many thanks and top points to best answer.

A. activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture, arts, astronomy, atheist, bizarre, blogs, books, buddhism, business, cars, cartoons, cats, celebrities, christianity, classic-rock, clothing, comedy-movies, comics, computer-graphics, computer-hardware, computers, cooking, crafts, crime, cyberculture, dogs, drawing, drugs, ecommerce, environment, fashion, fine-arts, firefox, geography, graphic-design, guitar, guns, hacking, health, history, humor, illusions, interior-design, internet, internet-tools, iraq, liberal-politics, liberties, linguistics, linux, literature, mac-os, mathematics, movies, multimedia, music, nature, network-security, news, online-games, open-source, painting, philosophy, photography, physics, poetry, politics, programming, psychology, quizzes, relationships, religion, satire, science, science-fiction, self-improvement, shopping, software, space-exploration, stumblers, stumbleupon, tattoos, travel, tv, video, video-games, web-design, windows, writing, actors, america, apple, art, aviation, blog, blogging, bush, california, car, cartoon, cat, celebrity, charity, children, climate-change, college, comedy, comic, community, dance, death, debate, design, diet, diy, dog, economy, election, elections, energy, entertainment, exercise, facebook, film, finance, flash, flowers, food, football, funny, gadgets, game, games, gaming, global-warming, god, google, graffiti, green, home, humour, illustration, images, internet-marketing, life, living, love, mac, marriage, math, media, medicine, microsoft, money, music-video, obama, oil, online, paintings, pakistan, peace, photo, photos, photoshop, pictures, pirates, president, quotes, recipe, recipes, republican, rock, sculpture, security, social-media, social-networking, society, space, star-wars, tech, technology, television, tips, tools, tutorials, ubuntu, vegan, video, videos, vintage, war, water, web, web-development, weird, wordpress, youtube, sex, sexy, hot, love, porn, president, 2008, 2009, winter, secret, omg, no, way, amplafitesttag, art, arts, bank, barackobama, bi, bisexual, blues, broadway, business, c, canvass, children, classical, college, comedy, community, communityservice, concert, conference, convention, country, county, dance, debatewatchparty, design, development, drive, election, election08, entrepreneur, event, events, fair, family, festival, field, filmfest, florida, football, for, free, fun, fundraising, halloween, haunted, indie, iowavoteearlyforchangeweekofac, jazz, kids, league, live, local, localfieldoffice, london, management, marketing, media, meeting, music, musicals, mybo, national, networking, new, nfl, nyc, obama, of, office, organizing, party, performance, phone, phonebank, pop, pride, prideevent, pridefest, registration, rock, service, show, shows, social, sport, sports, startup, technology, theater, tour, voter, voterregistrationdrive, w, web, western, women, women for obama, workshop, free, money, cash, movie, download, horny, quickscope, free, lobby, hard, scope, barrett, intervention, high, ******, 1600, microsoft, points, 10th, prestige, ak47, montage, sniper, m9, acr, m16, you, tube, rawr, lol, mp3, download, hillary, clinton, ohio, indiana, apple, banana, modern, warfare, leaked, info, gameplay, ninja, defuse, mw2, snd, optic, h3cz, sniper, montage, mp5k, 50cal, acog, Modern, Warfare, M16, footage, Sniper, Montage, by, OpTic, H3CZ, .50cal, m200, copycat, steady, aim, pro, nation, gaming, hecz, dtreats, hutchisyodaddy, zzirgrizz, topnotchmultimedia, waw, dogs, infinity, ward, tutorials, 3ds, max, song, vegas, adobe, photoshop, cs4, ps3, xbox, 360, hack, exooutsider, nextgenupdate, search, and, destroy, hood, thug, jake, brandon, retard, hangove, hill on, a, the, as, an, how, to, tags, pavelow, harrier, knife, too, damn, good, for, you, nuke, chopper, gunner, scary, zombie, exploits, tuts, views, sir, mix, a, lot, baseball, basketball, football, hockey, unban, sony, camcorder, ipod, orange, purple, haze, blue, pineapple, microsoft, never, get, patchaed, banned, loser, halo, left, dead, argentina, australia, evolution, of, dance, potter, book, puppet, pals, paper, airplanes, pregnant, quagmire, soundboard, springboard, blackra1n, jail, break, touch, iphone, grabber, nano, itunes, lag, keyboard, escape, search, keyvault, drive, hoops, goal, net, celtics, magic, lakers, los, angeles, sorry, if, words, are, in, twice, eminem, cent, ludacris, gucci, boobs, belt, saint, video, garden, chicken, steak, cow, liger, tiger, zebra, trees, garden, urban, random, :), will, jordan, sick, nasty, gross, lazy, insect, pursuit, happiness, romantic, spelling, humming, birds, eachother, microwave, japan, malaysia, africa, vietnam, indians, elephant, lone, these, were, all, thought, up, by, myself, carpol, tunnels, stewie, fat, man, lois, cartman, suprise, aperance, gotta, school, sucks, worst, biggest, fattest, funniest, longest, first

What's a good camera to use for VLOGing?

A. I use one of 3 Canon ZR MiniDV tape camcorders. They hook by Firewire to the IEEE1394 port in my computer I use either of these two - http://asimplelife.ca/nle.html programs to import either live or from tape. Then they drop the video in to the project bins of the program, where I can stick the video I just captured on the timeline, add titles, edit(cut, split) add transitions and effects as required. then make a file and upload it to http://www.zippcast.com

You can go to YouTube, type either name of the programs into the search engine there, look fro videos that offer a free download, I know they are there.

MiniDV tapes take the best video quality going. To get a HD camcorder that can take as good video Quality videos as one MiniDV rape camcorder can, you would have to spend in excess of $3300 to purchase that HD camcorder.

MiniDV tape camcorders, when hooked by Firewire to the IEEE1394 port on your computer, make the worlds best webcam. This is something very few HD camcorders can do.

I have been Vlogging since early Nov 2010

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