Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

How do I get my Camera to show video on my Mac?

Q. I have a Sony camcorder and a mac computer. It won't let me watch the videos. It shows that I have them, but it won't let me see the actual video. I've tried to open it with other things but it just doesn't work. Please help!!!

A. Which Sony camcorder and which Mac?

Provide that new information in a new post - and we'll have enough information to help. At this point, you have not provided enough information for us to help you.

How do I connect my camcorder to my computer?
Q. I have a Panasonic PV-GS320 camcorder and a Mac computer. When I connect the camcorder to the computer with the cord, nothing happens. I tried turning it on, but it's dead without the battery and the plug is behind the battery, so the battery has to come out in order for me to plug the cord into the camera. And no, I can't just read the instructions because my idiot brother decided to use it as a fire starter -_-

A. http://tlc.housing.wisc.edu/docs/video_pvgs320.pdf
for user manual go to link above

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