Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

how do i get a clean smooth video for streaming and youtube?

Q. i noticed some peoples videos are clean picture but whenever the camera moves the picture skips and gives me a headache. what kind of camcorders should i avoid? or what features should i look for to have a smooth video?

A. I use a Digital Camcorder for my video projects(Palmcorder)..
I use DV-tape..which creates a DV-file..
My computer will upload the camcorder footage--creating a DV-avi File..
I remain in DV-avi for all the editing--once my movie is nice and smooth..
I look to make Upload Files..
YouTube..gets a 720p File..
If I'm to make a DVD-video,,I'll render the DV-avi File..for MPEG-2 and Dolby-Digital audio..
Always use DV-avi(AVI)..un-compressed..Large Frame..video files--for editing..
..trying to edit a wmv/wma file can be a "jerky" process..
..1080p is a very good wmv/wma file.but I still remain in DV-avi(AVI)..
That would be my Master Video File..
I also use Roxio Creator 2010..as a back-up application..for upload files..
Next would be HD Video..
Your computer would need..a PCIe Video Card..to create HD-video..
..or you will see horizontal lines in the video file--especially with action scenes..
Like a basketball game..lines will appear..
Jerky Video--is attempting to edit--compressed video files like wmv/wma..
..its also a sign of hurrying..
There is no hurrying the video editing process..
Always use the Pause Button--before advancing your video footage..useing the slider switch.

Can someone tell me a good HD camera?
Q. My birthday is coming up and I want a HD camera and 2010+ video editing software. Can someone recommend good one's? Thanks in advance.
My budget is around 200 dollars. I have a windows 7 but I don't know all of the stats for it. I have 4GB RAM, dual CPU's, and a video card. Hope that helps you.

A. HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras interpolate the video, which means of every 25 frames of video, 4 or 5 frames are taken by the lens assembly; the other frames in between these are filled in by the camcorder inner circuitry, thus giving you not true video. It looks like this -one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, one frame from the lens assembly, 7or 8 from the electronic circuitry, from front to back of the video. Near impossible to edit, even when you have the Multi port processor computer with the big 1GB Graphics card and a Sound card that is required to edit, view, watch and work with the files these camcorders produce.

Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras have 4 problems. 1) Blurry, fuzzy, out of focus areas closely around people in videos taken by consumer level HD camcorders. 2) Any movement, even a wave or lifting an arm, while in front of a recording Consumer Level HD Camcorder and DSLR Cameras, results in screen ghosts and artifacts being left on the video track, following the movement. Makes for bad video, sports videos are unwatchable. 3) These Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras all have a habit of the transferred to computer files are something you need to convert, thus losing your HD quality, to work with your editing software. 4) Mandatory maximum record times - 1 hour, 30 minutes, 8 minutes, 3 minutes � four different times advertised as maximum record time for some Consumer Level HD Camcorders and DSLR Cameras. No event I have ever been to is that short. Either take multiple camcorders and DSLR Cameras or pack up with out getting the end of the event on video.

MiniDV is currently the most popular format for consumer digital camcorders. MiniDV camcorders are typically more affordable than their HDD and DVD counterparts. Each MiniDV tape will typically hold an hour of footage at normal recording speed and quality. MiniDV tapes are available for purchase at not only electronic and camera stores, but also at drugs stores and grocery stores, making them easy to find while your on vacation. There are literally hundreds of MiniDV camcorders available; both in standard and high-definition. And add the fact that to get a HD camcorder that could produce better video quality footage, one would have to spend in excess of $3500 for that camcorder that could produce higher quality video




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